PT. Mitra Kuadran Teknologi
Our Management can increase visibility, build up software development, and help generate advocacy all while building your online system integration.
PT. Mitra Kuadran Teknologi service generally include Information Technology Service and product development software our products and services, including: the design of Academic information systems, library, employment, finance, asset management, Web application. Currently, the Accounting system to be one of the main Software and the best of the Quadrant.Starting from 2014, Quadrant has handled a wide variety of client segments from all over Indonesia, ranging from local Government Agencies, educational institutions (Colleges/schools), State-Owned Enterprises and private Companies up to non-profit organizations and Personal.

We Provide Technology Innovation
Desktop Apps Development
Help the consumers to build a customize system using visual studio C # technology-based desktop as well as web base.
Web Apps Development
Help the consumers to build a customize system using a PHP with framework technology-based web base.
Mobile Apps Development
Help the consumers to build a customize system using a android or ios technology-based.
New Technology for Startup
Help the consumer to build a customize solution system for the business as technology-base.